
Oil on canvas
12″ x 12″ x 1.5″


Artist Name: Vera Ripley

Artist Bio: I am a Canadian artist based out of Abbotsford, Canada. Oil paint is a medium that I work with most of the time. The creamy texture allows me to bring my vision to life.

Artist Statement: 
A lot of the time my inspiration comes from my everyday life moments. We always have an abundance of beauty around us, however, most of the time we don’t even take the time to acknowledge it. My perception comes from the most understated instances, a song that made me feel a certain way, a beautiful image in a magazine, or even as simple as clouds in the sky.
My mission is quite simple, it is to uplight my audience when they look at my work. I want my work to give a sense of joy and positivity.

Find her online at: 
Instagram @veraripley
Facebook @vera.ripley