Ultimately Unique Universe
Glenna Lundberg
Mixed media mounted on canvas
10″ x 10″
Sold only as a collection. For individual prints, please contact the artist.
Artist Bio:
Local artist, Glenna Lundberg, has found a myriad of ways to be creative her whole life. Although working in the Social Work field for much of her career, she has combined this with her love of all things artistic and become passionate about the healing power of art.
She considers herself a late blooming painter having only focused seriously on her art in the past few years. Using mostly watercolour and more recently mixed media, she creates her work using inspiration from nature, old buildings or anything that sparks her imagination.
Glenna has loved living in Abbotsford for decades and has participated in Art Walk, Winter Jubilee and a few local art shows. She paints, takes commissions, teaches classes and talks about how desperately we need art to promote a culture of beauty these days. She’s also enthusiastic about Slow Art (it’s a thing!) and spreads the word in her own small way.
Find Glenna Online:
Instagram: @gigiartist
Website: glennalundberg.com
Facebook: Glenna Lundberg