Erica Tagert: Strange Times Online Exhibition

The Path of The Infinite, Erica Tagert, Acrylic on Canvas Painting, 60” x 36”
Price: $1200

Fullness of Being, Erica Tagert, Acrylic on Canvas Painting, 30” x 24”
Price: $500

The Wholeness of Life, Erica Tagert, Acrylic on Canvas Painting, 40” x 30”
Price: $800
Personal Statement regarding the Covid-19 Quarantine, in relation to the “Strange Times” Exhibition:
As of drafting this, I am on day 78 of full self-isolation in my home in Abbotsford B.C. As my husband has some health concerns that put him into a high-risk category, we chose early on to be a little extra diligent in our isolation.
Like many people during these ‘strange times”, my natural tendency has been to turn to the activities that sooth my soul – reading, cooking, and spending time enjoying nature. My garden has always been a great source of connection, grounding and inspiration for me. No doubt, this has influenced my creative practice greatly during this time, as reflected in the pieces I am submitting.
Artist Statement:
Some people meditate, some people write, some run, some pray; – for me, it is in the solitude of creative practice that I am genuinely engaged with my inner world.
I love the idea that every painting has a soul – I would interpret that more precisely by speculating that every work is a journey, and that unpredictability is certain. My ego would have you (and me) believe that I start every painting with a grand plan, and that I am a master over my tools and medium. The truth is, I have come to understand that my only role as an artist is to embrace uncertainty. I rarely use reference images when I start a new work – rather, I often gather inspiration from a single starting point – a color, a theme, something I saw while in my garden or out on my evening walk. That single point of inspiration is the seed that grows while I work.
I hope that my works will invite you to pause your intellect in favor of feeling – to become absorbed into rich layers of color, texture, gestural marks, fine details, and the starkly contrasting beauty of emptiness.
Artist Biography:
Erica Tagert – Abbotsford BC, painter and photographer. My work is comprised primarily of representational and abstract works inspired by the beauty and abundance of my natural surroundings in British Columbia.
Artist Contact Information: