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Title: Soul
Size: 4in x 4in
Medium: Oil
Date created: May 26, 2020
The light in her eyes flicker, like a heartbeat to her emotions.

Title: Ocean
Size: 4in x 4in
Medium: Oil
Date created: June 2, 2020
Beautiful, mysterious, wild, and free. For those who wander into her depth and live to tell the tale, what wonderous tales they are.

Title: Stardust
Size: 4in x 4in
Medium: Oil
Date created: June 6, 2020
An ancient cosmic explosion. A billion choices culminate in a single life form. The universe willed into existence

Personal Statement:  As an introvert and someone who suffers from frequent anxiety, I tend to avoid social interactions normally. The physical distancing measures have created a quiet solitude allowing me to reflect inwardly on many things that we were too bombarded with to contemplate.

In my work, I try to use various media to bring a concept to life. The various art media provides me with the means to experiment with the possibilities allowed through different application techniques. My art
is not overly-complex. Not in their concepts nor in their execution. I believe art is as much an expression of the artist, as it is the imagination of the perceiver. In viewing a specific painting, a dialogue of story telling emerges between the artist and viewer, much like an oral rendering of history. A technology consultant by trade, I draw inspiration from sources outside of the art world, such as technology and digital culture. Art lets me learn, explore, play, and connect.

Physically distancing in the Fraser Valley.

Contact Information:

Instagram: @FoxAndSiren
Contact Sijia 
