Patches the Puppet

By Dana A Mandeville
Paper mache and fabric
16 inches tall

Artist Statement:
Patches is a paper mache puppet. There is something uncanny about puppets. They exist on a cusp – obscuring the lines between imagination and reality with carefree abandon. Adults and children alike, myself included, have revelled in their presence for mellennia. Patches is a paper mache puppet. I didn’t have a specific reason, or design, in mind when I began to make him, I just know that I consistently find myself compelled to create puppets.

Artist Bio:
Dana Mandeville is an interdisciplinary artist and single parent to a wonderful young man. They have a keen interest in lifelong learning and currently hold an Environmental Technologist diploma, a BA in History and a BFA in Visual Arts. Found objects, fabric, bright colours and themes of identity and play are prominent in their work. Dana is of Metis and European heritage.

Follow Dana Online:
Instagram: @mandevilledana