An Ode to My Safe Space - Rachel Kehler

31.25″ x 50″, graphite and pencil crayon on vellum, unframed

Artist Statement

Locating and obtaining safe spaces is crucial to our well-being. Understanding how these areas of profound security affect mental and physical protection has been a fascinating concept to me for quite some time. I’ve spent so much of my short life seeking out comfortability during panic situations and looking to understand how to calm myself after these events. The conclusion that I’ve come to is that my safe space is in my bed. While cliché, there’s a certain kind of protection that a pile of soft blankets, pillows, and twisted sheets can do that isn’t reciprocal anywhere else.

Only specific parts of my body are brought to light with high contrast and detail using both graphite and pencil crayons. The rest of my body is left open, slowly fading into peacefulness while my sheets sit underneath me. My hands and feet are warm, fading into the grey of the graphite before the white of the paper takes hold.

Artist Bio

Rachel Kehler is currently studying Art and Design at Trinity Western University but has lived in Abbotsford all her life. She has a specific interest in life drawing and portraitures and she uses drawing and painting to spend time with herself and to manipulate the objects she sees in front of her. In doing so, she plays with removing or highlighting specific aspects of each reference, subtly or drastically morphing it’s original characteristics. She hopes to continue strengthening her skills in portraits to connect her to the people around her.

Find Rachel online:

Instagram: @rachelkehlerr @emptymarker