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Nature Through The Lens

Meet the artists

Kirsty Paterson

Artist Statement

I edit my photographs with different apps and digitally “paint” them. Combined with long and double exposures, this technique conveys movement and the passing of time. Stories of connection and transformation are illustrated by dramatic contrasts of light, colour and texture. They celebrate the power and beauty of Nature and its hidden suprises. My biggest inspiration are mountains, forests and sea, as well as luminous abstract art and photography. Future goals include experimenting with retro cameras, mixed media and cyanotypes.

Nature & Transformation shows response to environmental change. Unfolding in a sequential narrative like a movie storyboard, these images show progression from weather extremes, scientific intervention, attuning to cosmic rhythms, adaptation and reclaiming the wild free spirit of Nature. These are stories of resilience and survival.

Artist Bio

After taking a freighter from Vancouver to Alaska, Kirsty emigrated from Scotland to Canada. Ever curious, she travelled to Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Arctic. These experiences instilled an appreciation for diversity in landscape, art and culture, as well as creative risk-taking. 


Bob St. Cyr

Artist Statement

Living in a world with a climate crisis, I would like to bring awareness towards the history, current problems, and future challenges related to water. This series of my artwork is called the “We” series and shows how a human being, we, depleting natural resources. The word “We” is hidden in each piece of this art series and implicitly communicates the clear role of human beings in a paradoxical way.

We are all part of one world, one color, and share the same roots. Sadly, human activities impacted our natural resources. For example, climate change will result in changing design flows in fish passages and will impact juvenile salmon. Sea level rise will impact our shorelines, result in scour near our bridges and force the population to move to elevated houses. Hotter days will change the symphony of living birds and plants. The shadow of human beings on our environment cannot be denied.

Artist Bio

As a photographic artist I’m interested in the entire process from image composition  to interpreting the negative into a silver-gelatin print when possible and presenting it to the  community. I also welcome opportunities to share my work in print and through public exhibitions  here in Canada and internationally. I still find it exciting to learn new things and welcome new  ways to visually present my work, so have begun to explore a visual expression through painting  and through alternative processes, for example, cyanotype and lumen printing as I continue to  follow the Light. 


The Art